Tuesday, August 23, 2016

5 Great Tips to Meet Filipinas Online

meet filipinas online

So you wanna meet Filipinas online, do you?

Welcome to the world of dating Pinays, some of the most beautiful and caring women on the planet. I’ve been married to a Filipina for 2 years now and life has never been better. In fact, several of my friends have decided to come to The Philippines in search of their own Filipina girlfriend within a few months of meeting her when I took her home to meet the family.

I’ve tried to taper their enthusiasm with a healthy dose of caution – not every woman here is the same as my wife! There are good and bad girls in The Philippines, just like anywhere.

Thinking about how to best advise them and answer their questions about how to meet a Filipina got me wondering – why don’t I just write an article explaining the top points of what I’ve learned after 10 years of dating in Asia?

So, that’s exactly what I did. Here are 5 tips to give you the greatest chances of success when dating Filipinas online.

Meet Filipinas Online – 5 Crucial Tips

1. Take Your Time

This might be stating the obvious, but you’d be surprised how many men sign up for a dating website to meet Filipinas online, who ticks all their boxes, and dives right in without a thought for the morrow.

Love is love, and when it strikes there’s very little you can do. One thing you can do, however, is let time do what it does best and give you some perspective.

The reason for taking your time are twofold.

First, those crazy brain chemicals that have you all over the place, eager with anticipation to fly directly to the Philippines and meet your new lady friend will calm down and level out and think about things clearly.

Second, you need at least 6 months to get to know someone well. I think this rule applies to dating anyone, anywhere.

The rules of online dating are the same as the rules of dating in the real world. Remember the old saying when dating Filipinas online – ‘Wise men say, Only fools rush in!’

2. Be Realistic

If you’re 58, have a pot belly and a few missing teeth, albeit with more than a smattering of charm, recognize the warning signs when a 19-year-old model caliber lady is interested in you. You have to be honest with yourself and honest with the woman you will talk with while trying to meet Filipinas online.

Sorry to take away your ego enhancer, but if you go down this rabbit hole you’re entering a world of hurt. Why is she interested in you when she could easily take her pick of younger men who know the name of Bieber’s latest hit song? You’ve got to be aware that there are lots of very poor, very desperate girls in this country who will do almost anything to survive, including rinse a sucker like you.

Let me be clear: NOT ALL FILIPINA GIRLS ARE LIKE THIS – FAR FROM IT! I’m not being a racist, a misogynist or a prick for saying it. It’s a sad fact of life and I’ve known guys who have been taken to the cleaners in a haze of love and emotion. I don’t want the same happening to you, dear reader.

Set realistic expectations for yourself and always ask ‘What’s in this for her?’ Understanding her intentions is a key part of successfully dating.

3. Look at Her Profile History

Before I settled down and got married I admit I to was interested in finding out how  to meet Filipinas online. During this period of my life, I learned to spot the girls who lingered for a little too long on those sites, and I began to learn that this meant one of two things: she is a serial dater or she has problems and moves from one guy to the next rapidly.

This is another reason for taking your time and getting to know both the site you are using and any ladies you talk to on there.

Be especially aware of ‘Off-On’ profiles. These are ladies who repeatedly delete and reopen their dating profiles. This should ring alarm bells in your head and cause you to ask yourself ‘What’s she up to?’

3. Meet Her in The Philippines

When you do find a fantastic woman who you really could fall for (oh, you will, believe me), at some stage, you will need to meet her to move things forward.

Start with video chats on Skype. This is much better than texting when it comes to getting to meet Filipinas online.

Dating and Asian Woman

Eventually, however, you’ll want to meet face to face. Coming to The Philippines is a great idea in and of itself. This is one of the most beautiful countries you’ll ever visit, and coming to meet a love interest is just the icing on the cake.

Meeting your lady friend in The Philippines is also a good idea because it will allow you a great insight into her, who she is, and her culture. There are actually many different cultures within The Philippines, so getting to know her city, her island, family and individual quirks is best done here in her home country.

Besides, you coming to The Philippines is much easier with regards visas, travel costs, and other associated factors.

You’ll be glad you did, whether you decide to move things forward or not!

5. Give Her the Benefit of the Doubt

Dating Filipinas online is no different to dating any woman from a totally different culture. You’re going to have misunderstandings and assign meaning to things where there is none. This can lead to communication problems and a breakdown of the relationship.

Always give her the benefit of the doubt and try to see the best in these situations. What you think her actions mean could be totally different in reality.

Of course, there are blatant warning signs (such as asking you to send large sums of cash to her), but there are lots of little cultural mannerisms, expectations, and norms which it would be a shame to let get in the way of a burgeoning relationship.

The best way to deal with these is to seek to understand. If something doesn’t seem right to you or has you scratching your head, try talking to your love interest and asking her about it.

Opening direct lines of communication and seeking to understand one another can only help you decide whether you’re right for each other or not. This is especially true in cross-cultural relationships.

Filipina dating by mobile

Dating a Filipina Summary

If you meet the right Filipina online you’re in for what could be the most rewarding relationship of your life. I’ve never met a woman as caring, attentive and genuinely happy as my wife, and I would love everyone to find the same in their partner.

Remembering the 5 tips above will set you on the right track and let you go in with your eyes open.

Best of luck in your quest to meet Filipinas online!

5 Great Tips to Meet Filipinas Online

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Philippine 13a Visa Requirements Explained

Philippine 13a Visa Requirements

So you’ve moved to The Philippines, fallen in love and now you’re married. Welcome to the club!

It’s time to take care of the practical side of living here permanently, and one way to do that is to obtain a Philippine 13A visa. This allows you to live here in the Philippines indefinitely and puts an end to those monthly visits to the hot and bothersome immigration office once and for all.

So how do you go about getting the 13A via? Let us explain via this handy FAQ!

Q. Who’s eligible for a 13A visa?

A. Anybody married to a Filipino. If you’re married (either here or abroad), you’re eligible.

Q. Where can I find the relevant law at its source?

A. A quick Google search for ‘Philippine Immigration Act 1940, Section 13’ will bring up the exact law. You can see for yourself exactly what it says. Alternatively click here.

Q. Where can I apply for the 13A visa?

A. You can apply in Cebu, Manila, and Davao. While you can’t apply in any other city as of the time of writing you can ask for further information there and immigration officers will be happy to help.

Q. How long is the visa good for?

A. The first issuance is good for 1 year, after which you will need to renew it. The second issuance is good for 10 years, giving you a long and enjoyable decade of hassle-free living in the Philippines.

Q. Do I have to be married or can I apply while engaged?

A. You’ll need to be married to get the visa, as an authenticated copy of your marriage contract needs to be presented when applying. If you got married abroad this will have to be done in the Philippine embassy.

Q. How long will it take after I apply?

A. Generally, you can estimate about 1 month from the time of application. This can vary so give or take a week.

Q. What documents do I need to submit with the application?

A. You’ll need the following:

  • A notarized letter of application from your Filipino spouse.

  •  A notarized general application form (yes, it should be filled in).

  • An authenticated birth certificate for your Filipino spouse.

  •  A copy of your passport showing your current visa (date of arrival must be visible).

  • Proof of savings of a minimum of $10,000 USD.

  • A clearance certificate issued by the department of immigration.

  • A barangay certificate attesting to the fact that you and your spouse live together as husband and wife.

  • Police clearance from your own country if you have been in the Philippines less than 6 months. A clearance certificate from the NBI will also be required if you have been here more than 6 months. Source.

  •  The appropriate fees, totaling around 20,000 pesos.

Q. What alternatives are there to a Philippine 13A visa?

A. If you’re willing to travel in and out of the country once per year with your spouse you can get a renewable Balik Bayan visa. This will not ever make you a resident of the Philippines but does entitle you to live here with your spouse for a year at a time.

While this is by no means to be taken as expert legal advice, it is a very good starting point information wise when it comes to applying for a Philippine 13A visa.

Whether you’re currently dating and doing your research or are already married and planning to stay we wish you the best of luck and a happy life in the Philippines!

Philippine 13a Visa Requirements Explained