Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Philippines - Retire In A Tropical Paradise


The Philippines is such a great place to retire, but few do, and that’s a shame. First of all, the people in the Philippines are different from what you may have grown accustomed to. There’s no sulky faces, no complaining.

Instead, the Filipino people are easy going and friendly and smile a lot.

For a first timer to the Philippines, you may just wonder if you have been magically transported to another dimension! Life is much more enjoyable here. The pace is much slower and the attitude towards life, work and love are much more relaxed.

If you want to quit the rat race and retire to a tropical paradise with pristine beaches, cheap living, and beautiful women, then the Philippines is the place for you.

Consider this; What will you get for $1000 in the US? It’s hardly enough to get a roof over your head, much less live a decent, enjoyable life. Why should your retirement years be spent turning every nickel and being relegated to dating divorced jaded women?

Back in the states, I was a 57-year-old man with alimony, two grown kids and I felt old. And I was treated like I was old. No one smiled at me, and I guess not many people gave a damn. Dating meant taking out divorced middle-aged women, who were always complaining about men, despite having let themselves go. Needless to say, I did not enjoy my life. I am telling you this because I think – no – I KNOW that there are many other guys like me.

Well, imagine waking up in a two story house, kissing your wife, and then getting up for an already prepared breakfast by your own chef. Later in the day, I get my driver to take me to my various appointments that I have. In the evening, we eat out in a nice restaurant or get the chef to prepare a tasty meal. I travel at least once a month and never have to watch my money. To me, this is quite appealing.

Of course, having money is only good if you have someone to share it with. Filipina girls are some of the most beautiful, sensual and kind women you could ever meet. Treat a Filipina with respect and she will make your life happy. I want you to think about this also. Are you satisfied with your life now? Be honest? I want you to know that there is another option.

12 Reasons to Retire in the Philippines

Following are 12 of the most popular reasons for an Expat to retire in the Philippines that I have encountered as a consultant on retirement.

1. An Expat can retire with more money in his pocket at the end of the month.

The cost of living in the Philippines is about one-fifth to one-fourth of the cost of living in the U.S. or the U.K

Consequently, a retirement pension buys more lifestyle for less money and permits the retiree to even have savings at the end of the month.

2. You can escape those cold U.S. winters.

The weather in the Philippines is similar to Hawaii. Although warm year around, it is a bit cooler during

the months of October through March, and then hotter during the period April to September.

3. You can escape the rat-race America and the UK have become.

We all know the pace of life in the 21st century is fast, fast, fast in the U.S and the U.K. However, in the Philippines, things move at a much slower pace, which reduces one’s stress level.

4. You can retire with one or two maids, and a driver.

The cost of a maid is approximately $40 monthly and the cost of a driver is about $60 monthly. Not only does the maid take care of the residence, but she will also navigate the weekly market shopping needs for the best and lowest purchase price for you. Having this kind of value added to one’s life for this small monthly amount of money is unheard of in the western world.

5. After 40 years of toil with no return, working on a job and always “running out of money before running out of month”, retirement in the Philippines reverses this.

Due to the low cost of living in the Philippines, one who retires there will find that due to the lower cost of living, one will always “run out of month before they run out of money”. This is a very delightful experience.

6. You will be able to go to bed every night and wake up every morning free of frustration and anxiety over a lack of money.

When one is continuously anxious about the lack of money, it leads to chronic stress which spills over into health and self-esteem problems. By retiring in the Philippines, due to the lower cost of living you can eliminate this stress from your life.

7. You can have your first and only wife be a beautiful and exotic Filipina. Or if divorced, you can have a beautiful Filipina who completes you rather than competes with you.

Women outnumber men in the Philippines, and due to low per capita income in the Philippines, Filipina ladies are attracted to foreigners with a steady pension income. Further, they are attracted to older foreign men than to younger foreign men. They consider them less likely to philander.

8. You will have great personal relationships that are full of love and friendship and true caring for each other.

Filipinos find themselves by being surrounded with others and having lots of friends. They are not independent people like those from the U.S, rather they are “joiners” and family people. You will develop many warm and lasting friendships while retired in the Philippines.

9. You can live in a male-oriented society, as compared to a female, feminist-oriented society where males are confused about what it is to be a man.

The Philippines culture is one where the man is looked at to be the leader of the family unit. The wife is taught from childhood the importance of being in submission to her husband. The Philippines is a male oriented society.

10. You can have nurses and caregivers readily available to care for you if desired.

One of the major vocations taught in the Philippines is nursing. Nursing schools and graduates are everywhere, with many of them seeking employment overseas. This generates a pool of highly qualified nurses readily available and seeking employment as personal nurses and caregivers, if desired, at extremely low costs compared to the western world.

11. You can live in a country where travel to exciting and adventurous locales in Asia is inexpensive.

The Philippines is very centrally located in Asia, with just a few hours flying time to Tokyo and Korea, a little over an hour to Hong Kong, a couple of hours to Bangkok, and a little over an hour to Singapore.

Airfares are highly competitive and there are lots of daily flights in and out of the Philippines. This makes for a fun retirement life full of travel and excitement, at a very reasonable cost, and with little pain of long travel times.

12. You can live in a country where elders are respected and treated with dignity.

Like other Asian countries, people are taught from childhood the need to respect the elderly.

While living in the Philippines as a senior retiree, you will be treated with respect and dignity unlike you can find in the U.S. or U.K. As an elder, you are considered to be wise and someone to listen to and learn from.

The Philippines has so much to offer American men looking for an escape to a tropical paradise. Most will never fulfill their dreams but continue pondering ‘what if?’.

Don’t get stuck. Live your dreams!

This was an  article submitted by a reader of RTTP. If you would like to have your article featured on our site, please feel free to submit it via email and we’ll take a look.

The Philippines - Retire In A Tropical Paradise